English Grammar Understanding the Basic

Who is this book for? It’s for anyone who needs or wants to understand English gram
mar. That includes readers who: (1) want to improve their writing; (2) are studying a for
eign language; (3) are or want to be teachers; (4) are learning English as a second
language; (5) are or want to be professionals such as speech^language pathologists and
attorneys; (6) are interested in how English works. The book is self-guided and self
paced; it can be used alone or as part of a course.
The workbook approach used here will move you beyond simply labeling words to an
understanding of how the di¡erent pieces of a sentence ¢t together. To help you achieve
this understanding, we present information in small steps, with many opportunities to
apply each new piece of information in exercises before you move on to the next step.
Like all languages, English is a collection of dialects.While society views some of these
dialects as having more social prestige than others, when we look at them objectively we
¢nd that all dialects are equal linguistically.That means that all dialects have grammati
cal rules, and the grammatical rules of one dialect are no more precise, pure, or logical
than the grammatical rules of another dialect. Nonetheless, in this book we focus on the
grammar of Standard American English because it is widely known and because writing
requires a knowledge of formal, standard English.
We deliberately limit this introductory book in both content and complexity.Wherever
possible, we provide you with a simple rule of thumb to use. However, we don’t claim to
cover all of English sentence structure. A clear understanding of what usually works
will give you a foundation for recognizing and understanding the exceptions. Our aim is
to provide you with the basics.
This book will clarify English sentence structure and provide you with a useful refer
ence book that you can turn to long after you’ve completed the exercises. It will also pro
vide you with a solid foundation for more advanced study.
So take a deep breath and turn the page.We predict that it won’t hurt a bit. In fact, you
may be surprised to ¢nd out how easy English Grammar can be.

Part I Kinds of words 1
Unit I Nouns 3
Lesson 1 Identifying nouns 3
Lesson 2 Concrete and abstract nouns 5
Lesson 3 Singular and plural nouns 9
Lesson 4 Animate and inanimate nouns 12
Lesson 5Count and non count nouns 14
Lesson 6 Proper and common nouns 18
A n s w e r ke y s : Test yourselfquestions ^ Unit1 20
Unit 2 Verb s 23
Lesson 7 Identifying verbs 23
Lesson 8 The verbbase 25
Lesson 9 Actionverbs and linking verbs 27
Lesson10 Transitive and intransitive verbs 35
Lesson11 Phrasal verbs 38
Answer keys: Test yourselfquestions ^ Unit 2 41
Unit 3 Det erminers 45
Lesson12 Articles 46
Lesson13 Demonstratives 48
Lesson14 Possessives 50
Lesson15 Quanti¢ers 53
Answer keys: Test yourselfquestions ^ Unit 3 55
Unit 4 Adj ectives 58
Lesson16 Identifying adjectives 58
Answer keys: Test yourselfquestions ^ Unit 4 63
Unit 5 Prep ositions 65
Lesson17 Identifying prepositions 65
Answer keys: Test yourselfquestions ^ Unit 5 68
Unit 6 Conjunc tions 69
Lesson18 Coordinating conjunctions 70
Lesson19 Subordinating conjunctions 73L e s s o n 2 0 C o r r e l a t i ve c o n j u n c t i o n s 77
A n s w e r ke y s : Test yourselfquestions ^ Unit 6 79
Unit 7 Prono uns 81
Lesson 21 Subject and object pronouns 82
Lesson 22 Re£exive pronouns 85
Lesson 23 Demonstrative pronouns 87
Lesson 24 Possessive pronouns 89
Lesson 25 Interrogative pronouns 93
Lesson 26 Relative pronouns 96
Answer keys: Test yourselfquestions ^ Unit 7 99
Unit 8 Adver bs 103
Lesson 27 Identifying adverbs 103
Answer keys: Test yourselfquestions ^ Unit 8 107
Review matching exercise and answer key ^ Part I 109
Part II Kinds of phrases 111
Unit 9 Nou n phrases 113
Lesson 28 The basic structure of noun phrases 113
Answer keys: Test yourselfquestions ^ Unit 9 119
Unit 10 Prep ositional phrases 121
Lesson 29 The basic structure of prepositional phrases 121
Answer keys: Test yourselfquestions ^ Unit10 125
Unit 11 Verb phra ses 126
Lesson 30 The basic structure of verb phrases 126
Answer keys: Test yourselfquestions ^ Unit11 135
Unit 12 Auxi liary phrases 138
Lesson 31 The basic structure of auxiliary phrases 139
Lesson 32 Modals 141
Lesson 33 Perfect have 143
Lesson 34 Progressive be 146
Lesson 35 Combining auxiliary verbs 148
Lesson 36 The su⁄xes of auxiliary verbs 151
Lesson 37 Tense 156
Answer keys: Test yourselfquestions ^ Unit12 164
Unit 13 Subjec ts and objects 169
Lesson 38 Subjects 170
Lesson 39 Direct objects 173
Lesson 40 Indirect objects 177
Lesson 41 The functions of pronouns 183L e s s o n 4 2 I m p l i e d s u b j e c t s : c o m m a n d s 186
A n s w e r ke y s : Test yourselfquestions ^ Unit13 189
Unit 14 Compo und phra ses 193
Lesson 43 Compound noun phrases 194
Lesson 44 Compound verb phrases 195
Answer keys: Test yourselfquestions ^ Unit14 197
Review matching exercise and answer key ^ Part II 198
Part III Getting started with sentences 201
Unit 15 The functions of sente nces 203
Lesson 45 Identifying sentencesby function 203
Answer keys: Test yourselfquestions ^ Unit15 206
Unit 16 Combini ng sentence s 207
Lesson 46 Simple sentences 207
Lesson 47 Compound sentences 210
Lesson 48 Complex sentences 214
Lesson 49 Sentences with relative clauses 221
Lesson 50 Compound-complex sentences 229
Answer keys: Test yourselfquestions ^ Unit16 231
Unit 17 Rel ated sen tences 235
Lesson 51 Looking at related sentences 235
Lesson 52 Active and passive sentences 238
Lesson 53 Positive and negative sentences 246
Answer keys: Test yourselfquestions ^ Unit17 250
Review matching exercise and answer key ^ Part III 252
List ofQuick tips 253
Glossary 261
Index 270


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